Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Leading in Christ: Preaching through example

Serving as a witness to Jesus is no easy task for those who take the initiative to reach out to the flock and beyond it. To gain more disciples, church leaders and volunteers must rely on spreading the Word of God not only through speech and writing but also through action and example. Leading through example is one of the many ways to inspire people. Christians, especially, must take this principle into heart, particularly when in leadership positions in churches.

Image credit: ericjacobsonleadership.com

Leaders and volunteers in churches must take the initiative to live in Christ by word and by deed. This can be neatly summed up in the phrase “practice what you preach.” In this context, Christians in a leadership or evangelical position must put their beliefs into everyday practice.

Image credit: wilsonashirley.com

To do this, they must hold themselves to a much higher standard due in part to the responsibilities they uphold in their personal missions to God and the community. They must show the virtues of being a Christian by living them out in life rather than merely being content with telling others about them.

Image credit: kingme.wordpress.com

Living the Word of God in word and in practice has a twofold benefit. First, it makes visible the Word as it is practiced in life, thus inspiring both members of the flock and those outside it to follow in turn. Second, it brings one personally closer to God by following His commandments in life and in word.

Mercy Church is committed to make disciples who can make disciples. Learn more from its official website.